Dear ParentSquare,
Here's why our schools love ParentSquare!
These “words of love” come from happy ParentSquare users. To tell us why you love ParentSquare and be featured here,
log in to your ParentSquare account and click on the heart at the top of the page.

It has all my school communication in one app, so I don’t have to go to a million different places to contact parents or get the same information they have. It’s a great app that’s easy to use, but my favorite thing is that it helps separate my home and work life.

I love ParentSquare, i never miss a thing, and even if im not home to check my emails, teachers reply pretty quick. Its the most useful thing cause its going to be too hard to come daily or every week to check on things as much as id like, im very involved in my kids school, but PS makes checking in sooo much easier

ParentSquare is a great way to get information from an online school perspective. When you’re not in the school hearing the news every day, this program is a great tool to get all the information you’ll need.

I absolutely LOVE parent/student square because you can receive daily reports on information you may need to know, and it also allows you to communicate with teachers you may need to talk to in private. I absolutely think it is a great source to use prior to other ones I’ve used, and I recommend to use it if you want to stay on top of anything your school informs you on, in my opinion it’s STUNNING!

I Love ParentSquare because it is an easy way to send and receive forms for school. Quick and easy, no keeping up with papers or misplacing them.

We love Parent Square. It allows us one avenue of communication with our families and students. It is a simple communication solution that allows two way communication with ease.
I love ParentSquare because it allows quick access to student’s homework and ability to communicate with teachers instantly. I also love getting notifications via email and text messages.

it’s so nice to have all of my kids and their schools one one app. It makes everything easier!

I love ParentSquare because I put my mind at ease knowing that this is my son’s first school year and I can contact his teacher at any time even if it’s to remind him to bring his jacket home or to go to the bathroom before leaving the school or if I just want to know what they are doing I know I can always get a hold of them. So thank you ParentSquare ❤
I love PS because I can easily see all my children’s schools info, as well as the school I work’s information. It’s very user friendly!
I love ParentSquare because I am in the know of very useful information. This allows for better performance and a clear road to success!
A very good way to not only see the progress of your child, but also a good way to reach out to the teacher and principal if you need too.
ParentSquare has made it easier for us to communicate in a variety of formats and with whole school or targeted groups. The messages feature is appreciated by both staff and parents. ParentSquare has improved our two way communication with families.

ParentSquare is the perfect platform to send targeted messages to your school’s staff, families, and students. Already having your school groups created makes it quick and simple.
I love ParentSquare because, you find everything in 1 click and it’s user friendly!!
I love ParentSquare as it is facilitating the communication between teachers and parents & very easy-to-use
I love this app it makes us parents feel like we can be involved even if we are working full time. ParentSquare is awesome!!!
Super quick and informative! Updates and information easily accessible with just a click!
I love ParentSquare because it is easy to read and understand what is happening inside our ParentSquare letters.
I love ParentSquare because it is a one stop place for all school communications across the district.
It has greatly enhanced communication across our schools, in and out of the classroom and ensured that our families are receiving communications rather than playing the guessing game!
It allows us to better communicate with families and keep them up to date with all school events and important information.
I love ParentSquare because communication can be sent out with more eye appealing graphics and parents can stay connected right with their phone.

I love Parent Square because it lets me catch up on what’s going on that week or coming up that week. I love staying caught up, so ParentSquare helps me as a student so that I can be let know what’s going on. Also, this helps me because I can email my teachers with ease and don’t have to go searching for their email. This makes it very easy. ParentSquare for the win.

I love Student Square because it lets me know what’s going on at my school. It makes it easy for me not to miss any events!
The functionality to be able to adjust settings as making groups to track out to parents! And now being able to get creative and add canva creations to my posts!
I love ParentSquare because it has helped us mainstream communication and get our staff on the same page. It had increased our family engagement and has bridged gaps through the translation features. It has also helped our district technology realize we need to move into this century with other platforms we support. 😂
I love ParentSquare because I can easily have access to direct messaging my students teachers❤️

I love ParentSquare because it’s such an organized useful tool. I appreciate being notified and having access easily to teachers.

I appreciate the communication that can easily be delivered to parents (weekly for our school) with days in advance. I love how easy it is to upload files to post as well as the appreciate and comment box for parents.
I love ParentSquare because it’s a unified platform. It supports both parents and teacher to ensure that we are all communicating. It’s creative, it’s engaging, it’s fun, it’s informative, it’s resourceful! It’s all we need!
As both a parent and Cobb educator I love the convenience of ParentSquare! I have one central streamlined location to communicate with the parents I serve and those who serve my own children. The ParentSquare system truly exemplifies our motto of One Team, One Goal, Student Success. Thank you CCSD!

I love Parent and student square because it keeps you so prepared so you don’t miss a thing

Its easy to read and use and the information is all there, I don’t have to put in long codes or have confusing directions…. Thank you for making this super easy and parent friendly in a busy world.
Love ParentSqare because it is an excellent way to stay updated on announcements, along with all the activities, and various schedules at school. It’s a game changer for busy caregivers, families, and students.
Parent square/student square is a positve and great way to connect with people and keep up-to-date ith all of the news.

I love parent square because it updates me on whats going on in my school

Por qué los que no sabemos inglés, podemos fácilmente verlo traducido y entender mejor las comunicaciones entre la escuela y los padres.
Because those of us who don’t know English can easily see it translated and better understand communications between the school and parents.

ParentSquare has revolutionized communication between Verde School and its caregivers. The ability to automatically translate into a caregiver’s preferred language, the ability to communicate two ways, the ability to prioritize communications, the ability to automatically cross-post to Facebook and our website, the ability to see metrics on who is able to access the communications and who is not, and the ability to hold polls: all have been really wonderful additions to our communication abilities, thanks to ParentSquare.

I love parent/student square because it is helpful with my school field trips

You cannot find an easier way to communicate with parents and families than this app!!

Amo la aplicacion, es muy facil de entender y usar.
El español es muy entendible.
Espero que mas padres de familia lo usen.
Parent Square makes sending out notices and posting calendar events so quick – just two or three clicked, and I’m done.
I absolutely love Parent Square! It brings so much ease to communication between parents and the school!
great way to communicate with your teachers 😀

I love Parent Square because Communication is the Key to EVERYTHING! In order for us to navigate this school thing called (Education), we must be informed properly. Parent Square allows the proper communication from PTS District Wide. No One is “Left Behind” due to race, language barriers, or social economic status. All “YOU” have to do is Sign In. I Love It! Thank you for Parent Square!!
I love Parent and Student square because it keeps all the parents and students connected and we waste much less paper. This website is our life saver.

I love Parent and StudentSquare because it makes it much easier to view my schoolś weekly newsletters and see my club information. Thank you to the provider of this incredible site!!!!! It is such a big help.

I love ParentSquare because it allows me to communicate with my daughter’s teachers in a more organized way.

I love parent square because it helps me get ahead of my studies by reminding me what i really need to focus on and how to execute that by adding tips and tricks and information for any upcoming events, allowing myself to prepare!
Parent Square is a safe place to talk to your teachers and look back on assignments when needed, I have very thankful for student square because it provides a way to message teachers when needed from anywhere and look back on recent posts.
i can see whats going on by looking at the messages

I love ParentSquare because I can communicate important things like practice times, reminders for physicals, paperwork notices, and other important things to my football players, parents, and staff in a easy way. I also like that I can post actual documents for players, parents, and staff.

I love parent square because it is easier access for me to get to teachers and email them about work.!

I love parent square because it helped me and my school to accomplish my senior year on this terrible season (COVID-19 lockdown) It is easier to reach anyone in your school and safer to communicate (you don’t need to worry about having the wrong email address or reaching the wrong person.) whoever created this software, Good Job!

It is an efficient way to share information in a reliable format to the entire district.

I love Parent Square because if I need help I can use this to ask my teacher for help quicker. I think that is so cool and useful me and ever one else.

It helps me keep track of whats going on in school and with what has to be done

I love student square because i can see the messages from
my teacher so i can do my homework

I am new to Parent Square but so far, so good.
It seems to be fairly easy to use & I’m able to find important info that I need.
I Believe this was a much Needed App.

I can directly talk to my teachers now!

I love studentsquare because it helps me to know what i am missing and what i need to do, and it also let me contact my teachers of i need help with something or if i need to make sure i have something done you can even text your friends!!!
That it why i love studentsquare

I love Parent square because I can stay up with all my kiddos at one place and the teachers are wonderful with updates.

I love parent square, because it is the most wonderflly easy to get in touch with teachers. As well as see whats going on in my district. I don’t use Facebook that much and im in the loop even with out it. Thank you parent square!

i love student Square because it helps me keep up with events that are happening at my school and helps me ask my teacher’s questions.

Extremely well organized! Great reference for parents to follow child progress! Great communicating format! Excellent tool. Everyone should use!

I love Parent Square because it is the best home-school communication portal. PS provides an effective way to communicate with our families and also share great things that are happening at our school. I also appreciate that messages are translated automatically to the parent’s language which makes communication much easier.

Parent square will help build connections with parents teachers, school, & students.

I love parentsquare because it is just the amazing website that gives you anything and everything you need for school 🙂

I love parentsquare…. it let’s me communicate with all my daughters teachers. And I get a quicker response…

I love ParentSquare cause it gives me events and emails me and I can see what my teacher or principal says at ParentSquare!

ParentSquare is so easy to use! I can communicate with the individuals needed and make posts to send out information whenever I need to.

i love parentsquare because it is a easyer way to contact your teacher

I really love ParentSquare because it is a great tool to stay in touch with my daughter’s teachers, counselors and in general with school administrators. Right on this time during the pandemic, nothing better than being involved in our kids’ education.
Prompt information posted from school staff, about meetings, presentations, teacher announcements, anything that is going on around the district is crucial and having ParentSquare handy is just awesome! This platform is doing such a great job communicating parents and community.
I love Parent square because is a fun and easy way to stay connected with all may dear and dedicated teachers ,

I will have the opportunity to engage amazing parents.


Super organized and easy to navigate!

Things that used to go on bulletin boards, emails, text messages, and social media groups are now all in one place so our families always know where to look and where to share.
I love parent square because it helps you communicate with your teachers and its the easiest app to use and i can ask the teachers the any concern i have

I Love Parent Square because is helpful, easy to contact all the Teacher… Great App in *Pandemic time School*.
ParentSquare will allow our school to communicate with families all in one place! We are excited to see where this year takes us with ParentSquare!

ParentSquare is an essential software component to our school that connects parents, staff and children in an extremely streamlined and user-friendly way. It’s fun to use and helps draw out the creative sides of our faculty while at the very same time successfully delivering important information regarding our students’ daily experiences to their eager parents. Used often and in the right ways, ParentSquare has been an essential building block to increasing an engaged and active school community!

I love ParentSquare because it is a great way for students, teachers, and parents to communicate with each other. It also allows the parent to see what is going on in the school when the student is at school or home for any reason. I especially like the direct messaging feature. It is another way to send an instant message to a parent’s phone that they will read daily because some parents do not check email daily.
Its the bridge between Parents and Teachers as well as a window to all the events happening at school. It’s the best way to be informed and to communicate.

i love student, parent square because i think it is a great way for students and teacher and parents to communicate with each other and see what is going on in the school when the student is at school or home for covid reasons .

Simple… It keeps teachers and staff as well as students family members aware on what’s happening in classrooms ..I love parentSquare👍👍

Our teachers who use ParentSquare love it! Recently they used it on a fieldtrip to notify parents they were going to be late getting back – and every student was picked up promptly afterwards with no waiting time by the teachers. Teachers report they have better communication with parents than ever before.

This parent square app has been one of the best things the schools have done in a long time. I think more teachers need to use it more and update and communicate better. When its being used correctly its so helpful for parents. Kids shouldn’t be the ones having to communicate to the parents what’s going on or hats homework and stuff teachers still need to let the adults know so when kids decided they say, “I have no homework” and they really do?

I love ParentSquare because it is easy to share and learn knowledge about kids and classroom activities. Thanks !!.

Parent Square is an effective tool to communicate with all community stakeholders. I love the ease with which I can add photos and create a special online message to parents and staff. I also like the translation tool. I am using the platform to communicate my staff bulletin and all Parent Bulletins.
This is a simple and effective way to reach our parents. I appreciate the translate option which helps us reach the majority of our parents.
I love ParenSquare because it give me information
I love ParentSquare! I love having EVERYTHING you need in one place. It has eliminated the use of sites such as Signup Genius or EventBrite and allows communication to be in a centralized location.
We just recently acquired Parentsquare. It has a simple User Interface that we can navigate through, not only that we can talk to someone through chat that can help support us on what we need. The platform has a lot more than what we had in the past.
ParentSquare is a student information system as well as a parent and student communication system. It keeps all of our school-wide communications organized in one place so anyone can search and find past communications from all our teachers. It is valuable to our student services, auxiliary, operations and communications teams.
It is quick and easy to send messages to the right people and, as all messages are stored, no worry about Board Policy violations regarding electronic communication.

Parent square is easy to use “right out of the box”! Within a week of going live with ParentSquare, my school was already communicating with more than 95% of our families. Teachers and parents love it. We seldom hear a family say they didn’t know about something.
Streamlining parent communication was something we wanted to work on. We never imagined we would need to use the emergency communication as often as we have this year. Parents have been grateful for our quick updates and responses in time of great stress. It has helped us forge a stronger community in times of trial.

Its a great way to communicate directly with the teachers… Its an awesome and truly useful platform.

ParentSquare is a one stop shop and the best school-based app I’ve ever used. Thank you!

I love parent square because it helps keep me more organized, and I can access everything easily.

I love Parent Square because you can easily get in contact with teachers and you can stay up-to-date with all of the opportunities this school has!

We have to leave our children to attend school without the parental guidance and, supervision we are use to so being well informed of your child’s progress or lack there of along the way makes it alot easier. It’s so nice that a app has made it so much easier for me to reach out to teachers. There were times I needed to speak to teachers and wasn’t able to take time off, and it always made me feel so out of the loop on what was going on. Now I send a quick message, and I get a prompt response that always ends up giving me the feel of being at the school myself.. its been a great tool in getting my little one the extra help she needed when she was falling behind as well. We were able to form a support team for her and all came up with a plan of attack to take care of the situation right away so she wouldn’t fall too far behind. I know I am very thankful for the app, and the ability to be a part of the team again so I can help my little one with whatever she needs..

I love parent square because it always lets me know if I have any missing assignments. It makes me a better student and I get more education.

I love you parent square!!!

It keeps me updated in my daily school announcements, so I don’t miss a beat.

It’s easy to use and it keeps me well informed!, thank you.

I love everything about ParentSquare!

It keeps my messages organized and keeps me informed on anything that is happening at school.

I love parent square and student square because it give you information that you need to know! Also you stay updated all the time. ❤️

I love parent square because it tells me important stuff that i need to know and i can fill formswith no struggle

I love Parent Square because it always informs me about the thing that are important that are going on in my school.

I love parent square because it helps you communicate with your teachers and its the easiest app to use and i can ask the teachers the any concern i have

I truly LOOOVVVVVEE ParentSquare because you easily receive messages or view posts to stay informed during this hard time and it has helpful suggestions like daily recordings to help you get through your mornings!

I love ParentSquare because it’s a way to be connected through hard times, and it keeps everyone posted on the latest things.

I love parent square because it helps me communicate with any of my sons teachers right from my phone! It was our first year using it and look forward to using it his 6 th grade year 💙

How did anyone ever get along without parent square?
Great way to stay connected.

As a busy mom, PS allows me to keep TRACK on all school activities, receive notices from all teachers and provides me with a better understanding of the school changes. Most of the times I’m unable to attend meetings because of my work schedule, PS allows me to stay connected, informed ans allows me easy contact with teachers. GREAT WAY OF

I love ParentSquare because it keeps us update things about school/ fun activites

I love ParentSquare because it’s easy to navigate and it’s very informative.

Parentsquare is such an easy way to be able to see what’s going on during school and any last minute notifications my child may have forgotten to tell me about. It is quick and effective and it is amazing! I use it every day.

I am able to appreciate all the events my school has to offer

I love mystudent square because it is amazing i know what is going on in the school and even get to chat with teachers and they can chat with me

I love the constant communication between the District, School Staff Office, to the Teachers and Students. Thank you 😊
Even during the Summer were informed of the events, updates…THE BEST 2021

I love the parent square! Love that we are always informed in all that is going on in the district, as well as being able to communicate with the teachers and staff.

I love ParentSquare because parents know where to go and get information. It is a good tool of communication between school and parents.

Very easy to use!! Its great that everything is on one app. Dont need to bother with adding anything to my calendar!!! Love it!!!!❤👍

I love ParentSquare because it is easy to share and learn knowledge about kids and classroom activities. Thanks !!.

We were the pilot school for our district a few years ago and at first I was skeptical that PS was needed. After using it for a few short months it became an absolute game changer for us with our parent communications. PS is so easy to use and can do so much more than our old system. Once we shared how much we loved it with our district office, we now use it district wide. Thank you for making our lives easier!

ParentSquare is a great platform to connect families with school/PTA information and their teachers. Families are able to plan playdates, sign up to volunteer and easily reach out directly to their teachers. It’s a wonderful tool for PTA to promote school events and fundraisers. Overall, ParentSquare has been great to build our school community in one place. However to fully utilize ParentSquare, every family and teacher needs to register on ParentSquare. Most importantly, registrants also need to be active on ParentSquare by using it for posts, direct messages, etc. to really see the benefits of investing in ParentSquare.

ParentSquare has been so beneficial to our organization as a whole. We have 5 Learning Centers and this has been great on so many levels for me not only as Admin, but as a parent. During Covid, we were able to use the Emergency features to contact families and let them know that all classes would be moving online. We are able to edit rosters with ease and have been able to have great customer service when we have come across any issues or questions. I love the archive features on old posts but was sad to lose posts from previous years due to the Summer Rollover and Sync losing my Admin account. That is probably the one and only issue I have ever had and everything else has gone quite smoothly. I love knowing as a parent that my children’s Teachers and admin can keep me updated on anything and everything that is important. Thank You ParentSquare!

We launched ParentSquare because we were having difficulties with messages not being delivered in our old system. We had planned a slow introduction, but the pandemic changed all that. We hit the ground running and ParentSquare was right there with us. We’re still learning and ParentSquare has been a fantastic partner in this adventure. Thanks for helping us during this crazy adventure.

We love Parent Square because it offers everything we need to communicate whether it be to an individual or the entire corporation. It is user friendly and fast. The Language translation is also a big plus!

This is going to save our staff so much time!

Our district really likes ParentSquare for communication to all concerned parties, students, parents, staff, etc. It is a great tool and easy to use.

I love Parent Square because it seems easy to use to communicate to staff, parents and students. It has so many tools to work with and I am new and can’t wait to start using it. I feel with all the tools it has all messaging and posts will be fun. I love the gifs you can post also. Thanks so much for making communications fun.

As a new educator, who completed my student teaching in the midst of the pandemic, I have first hand experience & the true value of Parent Square! An amazing tool for effective communication on all ends!

Such an easy and effective way to reach parents. Either by posting or by private message I am able to get information to parents in a timely manner. Everything is one place for parents’ & caregivers’ easy access. I can send a copy of a paper to students who didn’t complete in it class or to students who are absent. I can also reach out immediately to parents when their child is not in class or is having an issue.

Easy to navigate and the conference scheduling is amazing and time-saving!

It is the best system I have used. . it is easy to use and parents like it!

User friendly, intuitive and quick. A major communications problem solver!

I love it. It makes keeping in contact with parents a breeze.

ParentSquare is an awesome way to get in touch with families, especially in times like these where communication is KEY. It’s super easy to use and very versatile!

Perfect, Fast, Simple, Convenient

ParentSquare is an app that makes it super easy and streamlined to communicate with kiddos’ parents in the ways that are most convenient for them.

Parent Square is fantastic! Creating posts and newsletters is super easy, visually appealing, translates into home language, and keeps a record of communication – its everything I need.

A necessary platform for open communication with parents! Posting messages to all is incredible. Getting the immediate feedback of appreciation and replies make it so easy to connect with parents. Being able to search a child’s name to directly message parents makes it simple to send emails. I came from a school where I used ParentSquare and started mid year on my current campus. I couldn’t order it and get it up and running soon enough!

ParentSquare takes communicating with families to the next level. It’s social media-ish without the overwhelmingness of social media platforms or the limitations of other communication systems.

ParentSquare is a lifesaver when it comes to sharing information quickly with our stakeholders in several different formats!

ParentSquare is easy to use and a great tool for communicating with families whose language is not English. It is a win-win for both school and family.

Fantastic communication tool – a must have!

Parent Square has been a wonderful way for our office to communicate with parents. Parents tend to respond much quicker than if we had to leave a voice mail on their phone.

ParentSquare aids by opening communication channels and encouraging a two-way communication flow between home and school work. Ensuring that everyone’s ideas, changes, and news are communicated. ParentSquare helps implement open communication channels by developing trust and inclusivity among parents and teachers.

From the school office personnel side of things, it is super helpful and makes contacting parents so much easier. More parents are engaging with us now than ever before and it is so easy to get responses.

ParentSquare has been an absolute game-changing asset in helping with our parental engagement. In this virtual environment, I have been able to connect with parents in a very meaningful way. And the analytics allow us to keep abreast of parents whose contacts change in real-time. It’s a valuable tool in our toolkit.

Great communication tool for school sites! We love all the additional functions that allow us to reach more families and continue to build community even through distance learning.

Parentsquare serves as a hub for our school community. It connects all stakeholders: Admin, Teachers, and Families with the most up to date information.

The value of easy communication with families is amazing and worth the funding.

So easy to learn and easy to use!

It’s a great way to communicate with families and to build community.

A revolutionary way for schools to keep in contact with parent and students.
PS has provided a One Stop Shop of information for ALL in a managed and secure environment!

i love parent square because it is easier to message my teachers

It’s easy to use and it keeps me well informed!, thank you.

I love ParentSquare and StudentSquare because it is super easy to stay updated on school announcements. It is also super nice because of the fact that they send out instant email notifications, so that I can know about the post that a teacher or my principal made immediately. 👌

by far the coolest and easiest app to communicate with my teachers and check my grades . I LOVE parentsquare

I absolutely love ParentSquare. It is so easy to navigate and to have all of our notifications and messages in the same spot!! Downloading the app on my phone I can have everything I need at my fingertips! This was the best decision and change for FLVS!!!

It is easy to use! Whenever I need to fill out forms I can easily go on to parentsquare and fill it out with no struggle.

Communication straight to the parents without relying on students or a piece of paper coming home or not

This platform is a good way for me to easily get in touch with my teachers, and see all the information I need for my upcoming classes!

Its so awesome, because you get to know all the school events! That’s why I never missed a single thing!

I love Parent Square because my teachers can Reach out to me quicker.

I love parent square because it keeps me posted on what my daughter is doing and not doing. And also keeps me updated on things that are going on for the kids and sometimes things the parents can be involved with.

ParentSquare/StudentSquare is by far the best way to communicate with teachers! It’s very easy to use and this is especially good for parents who don’t use technology so often.

I Love Parent Square because it helps me get my work turned in on time!

I love ParentSquare because it makes every thing easy

ParentSquare is just fantastic. It’s easy to navigate and their simple design is perfect on the eyes. Whenever I need to check any news for my school, I just hop on over to P.S. and check through my feed. In addition, their “appreciation” button is also great because now I can show that I’m thankful for a certain post. Thanks, ParentSquare!

I love Parent Square because it is very useful, I can ask the teacher any concern I may have in regards for my Child’s education.

Student Square is the absulote best! I can contact all my teachers without a problem and I can see all the notifications in an e- mail or in the app no problemo

I love how fast I can get my emails answered

Its a great communication tool especially during this unfortunate time in our lives, the Pandemic. My children’s teacher reply back in a timely manner. I get frequent updates. Its really GREAT app to have and so easy to use.

I love Parent Square because it allows me to send messages to families about deadlines and updates; and they can receive those messages when and how (translated) they prefer. What a great tool!

ParentSquare is so helpful!

I love ParentSquare because it’s incredibly easy to find out everything I need to know about my child and all school easiest activities.

This app helps me to navigate immediate messages to all staff and especially my first grader’s teacher. I so appreciate the work you all have done through this global crisis to communicate and serve our children.

It is very helpful, I can talk to my teacher in an easier way.

i love parent square/student square i get to text my teachers if i need help on something and the parentsquare/student square sends notification when they responded its a really good app I LOVE THIS APP! 🙂

As a busy mom, PS allows me to keep TRACK on all school activities, receive notices from all teachers and provides me with a better understanding of the school changes. Most of the times I’m unable to attend meetings because of my work schedule, PS allows me to stay connected, informed ans allows me easy contact with teachers. GREAT WAY OF COMMUNICATION.

I’m glad to be apart of parent square! Keeps me updated of what’s going on!

I Love ParentSquare because you get all your info in one place, so Happy, especially during these times, we have a tool like this!!

Great way to communicate urgent and vital information between teachers, parents, and students.

Helps me keep track of my kiddos 🥰

It allows me to talk to my teachers easier and not have to wait 3 hours for a reponse.

I love Studentsquare because I can contact my teacher when I am not with her.

I appreciate having direct access to important information necessary for my children’s educational success during this trying time of social distancing. I thank you..
Jennifer Lowe

Everything is super easy to get to and i can contact my teachers whenever i want to!

I like student square because it helps me contact my teacher for help anytime I want.

I love parent square because it keeps parents in the loop with what’s going on with their kids. In my case my kids don’t always tell me things or forget to tell me! Through parent square I don’t have to worry about them forgetting! And communication with the teachers is very helpful and easy, I absolutely love it!!!

I love parent square because it is easy to get to and email the teachers. Thank you so much for the site.

This tool is amazing and unique. which helps to understand everything about my kids. Its definitely bridge the gap between the parents and school administration.

5 stars!!!!!!!🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟!!!!!!!

I Love ParentSpuare because my mom will get emails instead of me having to remember and telling her everything ! So she already know everything about whats going on in school .

I love Parent Square because it allows me a smooth management of my daughter’s educational experience and my accountability as her parent. Parent square is a priceless gift. I love having the opportunity to know what is happening with Success Academy’s Network, communication with my daughter’s teachers and the rest of the school staff. I can navigate directly to my daughter’s account to access pertinent information pertaining to her academic and social progress (weekly), and more.
Parent Square is like my personal assistant in the organization of my daughter’s academic life.

This is a great way of keeping the parents informed.

I love ParentSquare because it helps me to see all of the information my teachers send out and all of the up-coming events.

I love Parent Square because it informs me of important dates, meetings and of announcements. I’m also able to communicate with my child’s teachers easily. It’s a great app overall.

I love ParentSquare because of the fact that we don’t miss a beat! My mom knows about different events, plus, we are more informed. It’s another way to communicate with other teachers and it’s more faster. My mother gets weekly reports so me and her get to review what we need to work on. Thank you ParentSquare (For me it’s StudentSquare but overall it’s awesome.)

i love ps because it allows me to interact with my teachers especially when i am home doing work online

I love parentsquare because I can have all the Information I need with one little click.

This site gives you all the information you need about your school

I feel very good to be able to be a direct part of my children’s education and with parentSquare, I am always informed.

ParentSquare is very easy to use and I can easily communicate with my child’s teacher. We also get weekly updates!

ParentSquare is an amazing parent communication tool, especially during distance learning. My favorite uses features of ParentSquare are the forms and if parents do not submit the form it is easy to send a reminder to those parents. I also love that our teachers can schedule conferences. But the one part of ParentSquare I love the most is the customer help line. Without a doubt they are always quick to respond and friendly. I have reached out several times and they always solve my issue in about five minutes or less. I appreciate you making ParentSquare such user friendly!

I love ParentSquare as both a parent and as a school administrator. This platform has improved home-to-school communication tenfold. As a parent I feel more connected to my daughter’s school and teacher then ever before. As a school administrator I am able to send out more frequent communication and spend less time sending them out, so a win-win.

ParentSquare has become an essential resource to our school, especially in the current Covid times. The Health Screenings have been crucial in our daily routine. Once again PS, you have streamlined the communication hub with our parents!

As an administrator, it is my “one stop shop” to communicate with my parents, teachers and staff. With virtual learning, it has been very helpful to stay connected with our community.

ParentSquare has been such a positive change in how we communicate with our community, families, and staff.

ParentSquare has been the best platform we have used in our school.

ParentSquare has been a game changer for our school’s communications. We are able to message out regular bulletins, alerts, and direct messages with our community! The features are broad and allow us to get creative with our messages. The biggest component of the platform is the translation piece. Our parents can easily translate the message into their home language.

Parent Square is the linking tool between school and parents. I was able to community directly with my child’s teacher, or principal and get a response right away.

It makes communication so simple………….when we think, “I wish the parents knew that”…………they can, with a simple click of a button!

ParentSquare is the ultimate school hub that we have been looking for to help us streamline our communications.

Parent Square is easy, intuitive, and efficient! It takes care of all of our school communication needs.

Great customer service. Always willing to troubleshoot and help when we’re stuck. Great communication service. Our school couldn’t function without it, especially during COVID.

An easy to use program to increase parental involvement in your schools. It is easier to share information with parents, students, and staff. Customer support is quick to assist with any issues and resolves problems quickly and efficiently.

I would call ParentSquare the great connector. It helps us to communicate with parents. Staff, students and come unity quickly. It is easy to use and has multiple ways to connect with our school community.. it has opened lines of communication in unprecedented times. It has helped to keep everyone informed about what is happening at school.

ParentSquare is an easy-to-use communication system that has truly simplified and enhanced our family engagement opportunities!

ParentSquare is a safe and secure platform for all school-to-home communication. A two-way group messaging, private conversations, district-wide alerts and notices, and simple user interface. It’s an Open Gateway for Home to School.

Easiest and quickest way to reach parents, staff, and students!

ParentSquare allows our school to have so many necessary tools in one private password protected place for our parents; outbound communications at the school and every grade level, group communications, parent volunteer sign ups, photo sharing, document sharing, school calendaring, online forms/surveys AND it has it own APP for easy parent access.

ParentSquare and StudentSquare have quickly become a vital part of how we communicate with our students and families. It offers a simple and quick means of relaying attendance, academic, and extra-curricular information.

It has been wonderful to use ParentSquare’s unique features! We’ve been able to connect with parents & students more often as a result of these features as well.

ParentSquare is a blast! It puts the fun in home-school communication. It’s ease of use is what makes it so fun. ParentSquare is a social media type of scrolling information page where you share the ongoing story of your school. Dates, times, events, schedules, fund raisers…it’s all here.
ParentSquare is a one-stop location to give and receive communication from your child’s school. It has many features to fit the needs of classrooms and school as well as translating capabilities.

Our parents love ParentSquare. It has helped to streamline communication and keep all important information in one spot. During a Town Hall meeting, we had a parent tell us how thankful she was because she did not have space on her phone for all the different apps and now she can communicate with her children’s teachers and find out what time practice is all in one place.

ParentSquare provides school sites and school districts quick and easy communication to parents. As a site administrator I used ParentSquare on a daily basis.

I am scared to think how hard communicating with parents would have been during this pandemic without ParentSquare!

We officially migrated recently and we love ParentSquare – everyone thinks it is really easy to use. And, no need to boot up your laptop just to send out a message – just use the app! We are also using their translation setting for our ELL families, with languages like Nepali, Kinyarwanda, and Swahili, and a local translator reports that the translations are “perfect”!

The staff goes above and beyond what is expected. Everyone has been extremely friendly. I can’t think of anything bad to say at all!!

I am deeply passionate about empowering our families with information so that they can make the best decisions for their children. ParentSquare has allowed us to reach our families in a way that was not possible before.

Communication is always important, but during the pandemic it has been CRITICAL. ParentSquare has been an invaluable resource, keeping us connected with parents and students throughout our response. The program is easy to use for staff and teachers as well as our families. The flexibility of the platform and responsiveness of the support team has been a key component to our success in providing instruction to students during the pandemic, providing a reliable connection with our families and enabling us to bringing students back to school in person safely while we continue to provide virtual learning for those at home.

ParentSquare has been the best thing we have engaged in for our district. Their customer care is incredible and the ease of use of the platform is a plus. PSq has increased our parent engagement and transparency.

The customer service is incredible in addition to working with me when I don’t know how to do something, they are open to our ideas and are continually making the product better.

ParentSquare is the ultimate communication tool for schools – a one-stop-shop for all of our districts needs.

ParentSquare is a wonderful program to communicate with parents. It’s certainly hard to beat and we are very happy with this program.

This system has allowed us to customize groups in order to communicate with specific stakeholder groups. We no longer “spray” communication to everyone, but are able to target groups which has been a game changer from our former parent communication tool.

Parent Square has enabled our district to have an exceptionally strong communication system. While this is always a critical part of the success of a district, this year, more than ever, it has been vital. Thank you, Parent Square!

Best communication tool we have ever had, and very user friendly

ParentSquare has helped us in the process of bringing all of our communication with parents under one umbrella. Now, more than ever, with clear, consistent communication being absolutely necessary, this is a powerful tool.

Great purchase for seamless school-community communications.

ParentSquare has made our communication with families exponentially easier and broadened our reach into our parent community.
Parent square is amazing for those kids whos parents can afford giving them a phone it makes it so much easier then going through all the hustle of making a e-mail

ParentSquare is a quick and easy way to keep in touch with families. We depend on it during distance learning, but I hope we can continue using it when we go back in person!

Parent Square is my “right-hand man” during this era of pandemic teaching! I communicate regularly through posts and direct messaging with my parents and with my students. Parent Square notifies me immediately when I receive messages to alert me to a problem that my students may have accessing me online. I have found Parent Square to be a life saver and time saver with communications, scheduling conferences, and forming a community within our classroom and school site.

ParentSquare is an amazing and unique communication tool that helps bridge the gap between home and school.

This is the most parent involvement I’ve had in years!! I love having a way to send messages directly to parents.

ParentSquare is a great way to keep in touch with your parents at the touch of a key!

ParentSquare is an all-in-one resource to communicate to the school community. It takes away and confusion of multiple modes of communication. Makes things simple!

ParentSquare provides a portal that has it all! From communication, to sign-ups, ParentSquare is a one stop shop for our parents and staff.

ParentSquare is an admin’s best friend. It has made connecting with parents significantly easier!

Parent Square is the communication equalizer. I can message nearly any parent or student, regardless of our language differences.

ParentSquare is an excellent tool for connecting with your students and their parents and guardians. It is easy to use and it gives me the confidence that my messages are being received. I often struggle to get in touch with parents and ParentSquare makes it simple to reach out to them!

ParentSquare has been a game changer for our school district! Communication options are now consolidated and can be tailored to fits the needs of both the sender and recipient. Add-on features such as forms, parent conference scheduling, health screening, and more quickly became go-to items to streamline our workflow, and we only a few months into implementation. Parents, teachers, and administrators are raving about the ease of use and overall functionality. In short, ParentSquare rocks!

The best invention for schools ever!

Our school is extremely grateful for Parent Square and all the services they offer. We appreciate the ability to be able to connect and communicate with our families using a company that is attentive, cutting edge, and compassionate.

I love Parent Square because if I miss an e-mail, my mom gets the same e-mail so that I don’t miss anything. I also love Parent Square because I love to be on top of things, and I hate not knowing what is going on. Parent Square is easy to access when I need my teachers help, and one thing that I think is so cool, is that I can also contact my parents. (for me, Parent Square is Student Square)
Thank you so much,
Parent Square is a wonderful way to keep in touch with all of your scholars parents. The translation feature is a helpful and much needed tool for parents and teachers.

My favorite aspect of Parent Square is that it translates my teacher message to parents who may speak another language! Finally, a way for everyone to communicate!

It has made for such easier conversations with parents! The posts feature is great and offers a lot of elements. Signing up for Parent Conferences was the easiest it has EVER been!

ParentSquare breaks through communication barriers to allow us to reach all of our families. We can easily see who is receiving communications and target those families that need additional support accessing messages and information.
If I had to decide from 1-10 I’d give it a 20!

ParentSquare is one of the best investments our school district has made in the 15 years I’ve been a faculty member!

ParentSquare is the BEST in helping teachers and families connect! It is easy and fun! I love the options to make creative posts, the personal message option, and the directory is a life saver!

Parent Square allows for streamlined communication! It checks all the boxes for teachers, parents and district administration!Parent Square allows for streamlined communication! It checks all the boxes for teachers, parents and district administration!

ParentSquare is very user friendly and an effective way to communicate with all families. It is so nice having everything in one place. I am able to switch back and forth between my school and my daughter’s school. Scheduling parent-teacher conferences was easier this year than it has been the past 20 years of my teaching career thanks to ParentSquare.

ParentSquare is simply the best way to communicate between school and home. As a teacher and parent, I can get the information I need for my son’s school, and communicate with my own student’s parents all in one app!

We are excited to have ParentSquare as our new communication platform for school communication. ParentSquare enables us to streamline and simplify communications for parents (a one-stop shop for families) as well as have one division-wide communication tool for all staff.

ParentSquare has enabled us to greatly improve our parent communication, helping us become more transparent, responsive, and effective.

Easiest way to mass communicate with families. One stop shop when it comes to communication. Has several features to make the life of educators easier including polls, sign-ups. We use it for parents to virtually signup for Parent Teacher Conference. Has allowed us to communicate through the pandemic with ease.

It make my life so much easier! No more looking up contact information! No more tracking back and forth emails or logging phone calls! It’s all right there, easily accessible and available!

Parent Square is the ultimate communication tool. It can do it all.

Everything in one place: announcements, messages, schedule conferences, signups, etc.! #genius #onestopshop

ParentSquare is the all in one communication tool that for a long time only existed in educator’s dreams. I’d imagine many administrators stayed up way past their bedtimes on many nights trying to replicate the capabilities that ParentSquare has. It’s hard to overstate the impact ParentSquare has had on our local schools.

I LOVE ParentSquare! I don’t know what I would do without this resource. It allows me to easily and regularly communicate with my students’ families.

ParentSquare is quick, easy, reliable, and effective. It has transformed my emergency and routine communications into a quicker and less stressful process.

ParentSquare is easily the best program I have used for keeping all stakeholders informed. I use it constantly to make sure everyone is on the same page.

ParentSquare is wonderful. This is such a great tool to have. We are able to reach out to so many students and staff at one time. Parents get messages right to them in so many different ways. They are able to look at their students information so easily. I just love it!

It is a great way for parents and teachers to build a relationship that helps us to reach our goal of academic success for our children.

ParentSquare has allowed me to connect with parents and supporters in meaningful and efficient ways! Whether it’s a quick reminder, important update, or shoutout for something their student did during the day, the platform makes communication seamless.

ParentSquare is a much needed platform to keep parents and staff informed. As a parent and teacher, I can say that it’s many user-friendly features have been very beneficial in making all school communications a breeze!

ParentSquare is the lifeline between our district, schools and parents. It came at the perfect time. With all of the challenges we are facing this year, ParentSquare has allowed us to stay connected with our parents and created an easy way for parents to communicate with our schools and teachers.

ParentSquare is the modern family and community engagement platform for the social media generation! We love ParentSquare because it does it all: emergency calls, informational emails, parent conference sign ups, digital forms with electronic signatures, and secure classroom communication. Did I mention that they have an app??

This was a game changer for our District. It allowed us to react quickly and efficiently during COVID by providing a reliable platform to communicate with students and parents.

ParentSquare allows me to connect with families in a way that works for them, but also gives me flexibility to make it work for me.

ParentSquare is amazing. It’s easy to use. Getting broadcast messages from teachers and the district in a timely manner keeps me up-to-date.
Getting push notifications allows me to know when there is an update. I don’t have to remember to login to a site everyday to see if there is something new.
Having direct access to my child’s teacher for questions and feedback gives me the power to stay engaged. Not having to wait for a teachers conference make communication more conversational. This tool helps me to be an active partner in my child’s education.
By Far, the BEST School Communication App. Combined with Aeries, this is awesome. I LOVE IT !!!!
I am new to Parent Square but so far, so good.
It seems to be fairly easy to use & I’m able to find important info that I need.
I Believe this was a much Needed App, for the Parents & Teachers to have the Communication they need, back & forth, to help the Child/Adolescent be as successful as they can be…
In my opinion, “Having a Great Support System, is Vital for True Success, Now & in the Future, 100%.”
ParentSquare is so easy to use! I can communicate with the individuals needed and make posts to send out information whenever I need to.
Communicating with our community has never been easier, from an IT standpoint ParentSquare has been very easy to implement and has boosted our community engagement.

I love parent square because I can email my teachers and see what the upcoming events are
ParentSquare is a fast, easy and effective way to communicate with teachers and parents. I don’t know what we ever did without it.
ParentSquare is the easiest platform I have ever trained teachers in. While it has plenty of advanced features, the basics are intuitive and straightforward, making it comfortable for a range of users.

ParentSquare has changed how our school community communicates. Everything you need to communicate with your school community can be found in one place: direct messages, permission forms, emergency communications. We love it!

I love parent square not only as an Administrative Assistant but as a parent as well. Parent Square is very informative, keeps parents up to date with events at the school and important things occurring at the school.
It is an easy and great way to have communication between parents and teachers! Also, it is an excellent platform to get information about what is currently going on with the school! I prefer it over other apps i have used in the past.
I love student square because i get reports and events that remind me! Thank you PTA
Parent Square is great so far! Easy to use & many tools to easily talk with teachers. Keeping up with my daughter’s education couldn’t be easier!
I love this app. it’s helping me.

I love parentsquare becuse it helps me know what to put on my calendar and it tells me major events going on!
ParentSquare is a great tool to communicate with families and is easy to use! There are so many great features that make planning field trips, class parties, and posting pictures a breeze!
It is easy to use. And keep us updated with everything! I really love it. The good part of it is it keeps me always in contact with my teacher in case I have any questions.
I like parentsquare. It inform me about everything.

I Love ParentSquare because you get all your info in one place, so Happy, especially during these times, we have a tool like this!!

I love love love Parent square because it helps me manage through schools important information without trying to get it from your child, they always leave things out..especially experiencing this shutdown in our nation year 2020 and being a high risk, really helps me to converse to teachers/principal and anyone that can help.
I love parentsquare because I can email my teachers and see what my school is doing
I Looooovvveeeeee ParentSquare because it’s absolutely user friendly. It the main source of communication with our parents and the effective way to pass information on to families. It is hands down a great app 😉

I love ParentSquare because it keeps be updated on whats going on with my son school.
I love parentsqaure because then my mom will know everything that is going on
I Love ParentSquare because you get all your info in one place, so Happy, especially during these times, we have a tool like this!! It’s been great so far, Thank you 😊

I really appreciate ParentSquare, it helps to keep me informed with everything that’s going on with the school, and my child.
A well thought out solution that allows school wide communication with great management tools and tons of features.
I love ParentSquare because it keeps me in touch with my son’s and my daughter’s teachers and it is so easy to use.
I love this because it tells us everything we need to now.
StudentSquare keeps me up to date with the school by emailing me any posts on there!!!
I’m able to keep all my information in the same location for all my kids, regardless which school (or district) they are in!
PS for us, has been a great and amazing communication tool especially in this crisis here in Bridgeport, CT!
i like it because it lets me know all the stuff i need to know
Convenient way of communication between parents and school staff. I especially like how i get text notifications about upcoming events. Great place to be in the know.
I love ParentSquare because I get to talk with everyone.
I can communicate with teachers faster and better.
I can be informed and check on the progress of the student, and keep up with everything that is happening with our kiddos, I can agree that this is the best ever!!!
I like parent square, because I get important information and notifications.
I encourage ALL FCSD staff to use our app, Parentsquare! It’s an amazing tool to reach parents. I’ve been able to contact so many parents! Thanks @TeamFairfieldSC for this! It’s an amazing tool especially in these uncertain times!”
I enjoy getting reminders and updates from my kids school and class. It has made it so much easier for us to directly message kids teachers and getting fast responses. Love Parent Square.
I love this because I can stay informed on whats happening with my education and see if I have to ask any questions on what my school is doing to make school year 2020-2021 convenient for us all.

I love parent square because I can chat with [my teacher] everytime i want

The ability to send out mass communication to our families keeps important information at our parents’ fingertips. The feature to communicate with our families no matter their language is a major plus and allows a greater sense of partnership between the school and home!

This is a useful tool to communicate with [my student]’s teacher. I can get any information I need in an easy way. It’s an amazing method to access what’s going on with my daughter in her school. This is great, thank you Parent Square.

I have said goodbye to paper permission slips. ParentSquare has made my life so much easier and this really helps families who are busy and might forget or overlook a permission slip in the bottom of their child’s book bag. The parent just logs into ParentSquare, makes a few clicks and viola! Permission granted! Thank you ParentSquare!

Parent Square helped me see all my assignments! I even achieved honor roll by keeping up with my classes on parents square!
Its a modern method to stay up to date with my daughters academic events and news
Thank you !
I love Parent Square because it is a huge stress relief to know the information is readily available. This peace of mind and reassurance is invaluable in this time of navigating through the unknowns
It is a great communication tool between parent and teachers. I really appreciate all the teacher that are keeping my child accountable and learning during this pandemic
Keeps me informed of events and school news!!

I get instant messages from the my daughters teacher, school and district staff. Communication is most definitely key!
It is helping me navigate things for my different -ly- able-d son. I need reminders of times and dates. Sometimes it feels like trying to live on a speeding Train & maintain Balance .
I love parent square because its a neat tool that stores all of the information we need to know about our kids school year and allows us to stay in “The know”. It helps us all be on the same page! I am excited to see what the school year will bring!!

I love Parent Square because it has everything about my student and updates all in one place-fast and informative. Much appreciated for the times.
Because it is an up-to-date and family-friendly learning schedule.

I love parent square because it lets me know things are faster and now there is a student square.
i love parentsquare bc its easy to use and it helps contact teachers

It’s a perfect way to communicate with school, teachers & etc…
Thank you

I Love ParentSquare because you get all your info in one place, so Happy, especially during these times, we have a tool like this!! It’s been great so far, Thank you 😊

I like parent square because it shows your grades

ParentSquare is a very efficient way to communicate with parents and students.
I love Student square because I can know what is going on.

I love parent square because it lets my parents know things faster and now there is a student square.
It lets me know what is going on in the school.

it is so practical to have everything in our reach!

I love the square cause it helps me learn

ParentSquare customer support is among the best I’ve ever seen. Also, we GREATLY appreciate the hustle that went into getting the Health Screener added. Staff and parents LOVE it!

Parent Square is very efficient, easy to use, and provides data regarding stakeholder communications. I Absolutely LOVE IT!!!

ParentSquare/Student is such an efficient way for me and my parents to find out what’s going on!

This communication platform for parents and teachers is very user-friendly and allows for instant, thorough communications. I love it!!

I love ParentSquare because it has EVERYTHING for teachers, students, and families to stay connected!

We’ve just started using ParentSquare and I can already see an increase in parent engagement!

My daughter’s school just rolled out ParentSquare and it’s been AWESOME! I love getting pictures of what they are doing during the day and it’s made communication a lot simpler with teachers/Parent Advisory Board Members/etc.
Go ParentSquare!

All the information is in one location for all my children. Thank you!

This really is a great way of meeting the teachers and seeing the school schedule! What a great resource!
Siento que de esta manera podré tener acceso a información sobre tareas y avances relacionados con mi hija.
Your making the world a better place!
I love ParentSquare because parents know where to go and get weekly information for their students.
Thank you,

I love ParentSquare because it has EVERYTHING for teachers, students, and families to stay connected!

I love ParentSquare because it’s helpful and communication is excellent. Easy to access. Thank you to the staff for trying their bestest to answer our questions the best they can.
I ❤️ Parentsquare 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 Fresh and simple!
❌ fear and complexity of posting content onto a website. ❌ YouTube for videos, flickr for photos, or wonky ☣️ html to deal with.

I love it because it is a constant way to keep communication with the teachers, principal and district specially in these times full of uncertainty.
Me encanta por que es una buena manera de mantener comunicacion constante con los maestros directores y el distrito especialmente en estos momentos llenos de incertidumbre.

I love parent square because I get to communicate with my son’s teacher’s
Me gusta. Por que asi podemos los padres y maestros estar en comunicacion..y monitoriar. 🤝🏾❤

I love using ParentSquare because it allows me to quickly and efficiently send updates out to my parents.

I love ParentSquare because it’s the most convenient & easy tool to communicate with the school, teachers and to students to be on the same page during this untrying time.
I love this type of communication as well as the updates! This is very convenient and a thoughtful way to keep parents updated with school, and events!

I can stay up to date, informed and share Information.


ParentSquare is a great platform for both disseminating and gathering information and it is a fantastic communication tool.
Muy buena manera de tener una comunicación.muchas gracias preocuparse por nuestros hijos
I Love Parent Square, because “it is a great opportunity for Students as well as Parents to learn how to navigate the virtual world of Education “. I obtained My MBA & MHA by online learning & now my child has also have the opportunity to learn about online learning portals. My child can communicate with the Teachers , while staying Informed of Changes in our world at the convenience of being safe at home. I never miss a beat with Parent Square an awesome software to use.
Parent Square helps me keep track of my schoolwork so I don’t miss an assignment.
I don’t know if my work Is Done. Then I use parentsquare

Simple … keeps the teachers and staff as well as the Students family’s up-to-date on what’s Happening in the classrooms.

Me gusta mucho la aplicacion, entre mas informados estemos, sera mejor. Gracias

So simple! … removes the fear and complexity of posting content onto a website. No YouTube for videos, flickr for photos, or wonky html to deal with.
An efficient way of communicating with my own classroom, my child’s classroom and the school community.
I love parent square because it helped me and my school to accomplish my senior year on this terrible season (COVID-19 lockdown) It is easier to reach anyone in your school and safer to communicate (you don’t need to worry about having the wrong email address or reaching the wrong person.) whoever created this software, Good Job!

simple, convenience,fast !! love this Parent Square!!
Muy buena Gracias por mantenernos informados

I’m new to K12 as a teacher, and this looks like a great way to communicate! I’m excited to begin using it! 😀

Because it is the place where we can help each other.

Me gusta esta manera de communicarme porque es mas rapidas. Ademas, no hay malos entendidos porque todo esta por escrito.

I believe a great tool for all

because its very helpful and keeps me posted with all details communication is great very informative

I love Parentsquare because I get to communicate with my kids teachers and I am always tuned in to any change or news related to my kids schools.
I am quickly able to communicate to all my staff, students, and parents with text, photos, and great detail. I love the interactive nature of this system!

I love wilson elementary school because i love long the teacher and my friend too DolpHins
The most thoughtful and well designed school-to-home communication tool to come along in quite some time.

Gracias por la acertada comunicación que día a día nos brindan

It is so easy to keep up with whatever is going on at my child’s school && a simple easy all in one app to be able to communicate with any member of the staff at anytime. It’s refreshing to be able to share ideas and suggestions and feel like your input is taken seriously or at least considered. I don’t think I would be so enthusiastic if this were around back when I was in school 😉 it’s amazing how far we have come in education and technology, and Parent Square is a great useful tool for parents and teachers!

ParentSquare allows our parents to be partners in education.

ParentSquare is the perfect solution to communication with parents and staff- everything is in one place!

It is our first year of ParentSquare, and we love it. After communicating with a combination of email, ConstantContact, Paperless Post, Team Snap, blog, etc. for years, transitioning to ParentSquare as our sole and primary source of communication was a major shift. The training resources, and personal customer support have made this daunting concept seamless and smooth. The communication culture of our school is hugely improved, and we are delighted. Thank you, ParentSquare!

ParentSquare connects all of the different ways I communicate with parents into one. I can text, post newsletters and pictures. I love how parents are automatically reminded when they sign up to volunteer and for school events. It is also a great way to communicate with all the teachers that I work with, we made a private group that connects us all together. When we are attending to our classroom we can also see all the posts from fellow teachers and our director right there in the same feed. It is great to have everything in one place and be able to access it from my computer, tablet or phone.

I love parent square because you can learn more things and share more things

I love parentsquare because you can communicate with your teacher

ParentSquare makes things much easier, especially during COVID-19. I can find all my homework, and schoolwork there, and so I don’t have to worry my teachers with an email, I can just look at ParentSquare. Whoever created ParentSquare has made my life much easier.

Even though retired from teaching at my school, I can keep up with what’s going on.
Accessible, organized, a great tool for the busy classroom teacher
I love parentssquare because remember all events!!
We can keep up with everything that is happening. Being informed on all that us going on at oasis 😊
Because its very convenient and helps keep track of abscences and tardies.

Thanks for this great tool! Parent Square significantly increases my communication with families. I can quickly write an update and include important information, especially photos of what’s happening in their child’s day.

With two in high school, one in junior high and one in elementary this is a HUGE help in keeping up to date, no more 2 -3 copies of the same information. Thank you!
Me encanta este medio de cumunicacion…me entero un poco de todo…de mija…hijo de KG de ASPIRE…y de Collins y de ustedes todo en uno solo…gracias.

I love ParentSquare because I can communicate quickly and efficiently with my families in a manner of their choosing. It helps keep our school community strong and engaged.

ParentSquare has been my “go-to” site whenever I need to know any updates about my daughter, the school, schedules, activities, events, etc. almost everything. It is an informative site that is very well maintained and managed. Kudos to the school staffs who keeps this site so useful to everyone.

I love this idea because it is a great way to be involved and informed about our kids school even if we are working.

ParentSquare is absolutely incredible when it comes to support! You and your team have been wonderful to work with. We work with many other vendors and you guys are by far the best in client support. Please know how much we appreciate all that you do to support us. We are so happy with our decision to incorporate ParentSquare into our school communications!

ParentSquare is absolutely incredible when it comes to support! You and your team have been wonderful to work with. We work with many other vendors and you guys are by far the best in client support. Please know how much we appreciate all that you do to support us. We are so happy with our decision to incorporate ParentSquare into our school communications!
I love ParentSquare because know the teachers at a school get to post their emails and photos from that school on a link instead of using their own school email.
ParentSquare is an amazing communication platform that is simple and easy to use. It’s literally a one-stop-shop for all school communication. Our school community has fully embraced and supported ParentSquare.
Love love parent square, how easy and accessible teachers are makes it easy to be up to date with events issues meetings etc.

As a first grade teacher, the thing I love most about ParentSquare is the language translation. I use this feature every single time and I feel confident that all of my classroom parents will be informed quickly and thoroughly. When I have any issues, the support team is quick to answer my questions and fix what I need. Thanks to ParentSquare for providing a safe, secure venue for parent/teacher communication!

ParentSquare has not only opened up two way communication between our school and our families, but it has allowed families to get an inside look of what goes on in our classrooms.

Parent Square is awesome Super easy to use… Love the fact that we can contact all the staff easily without going thru email. I love how it sends your messages directly to you phone.
ParentSquare is a wonderful way to communicate with our families about all the activities we are doing in our Fabulous First Grade Class! I even have our students posting to our parents! It is easy to add pictures, translate into Spanish and add sign up sheets. We even have our own class calendar to remind parents of what is coming up. I love using ParentSquare and so do parents!

Muy buena manera de tener comunicación!!
I can keep up with my child’s school activities and be aware of important opportunities that may come along for my child.

I love ParentSquare it gives us the opportunity to be involved in everything that school has going on for us and the children we so much love. We also have the opportunity to get to see the wonderful work the staff at academia do for the children.

I use ParentSquare weekly in my classroom! It is easy to make a post that goes out to all the parents in my classroom or at my grade level and I love the added option of having it translated for you! It makes communication with my parents so easy and I am able to let them know what is happening in the classroom and they can ask questions right on the post. I also use it for my classroom wish list for items and things we need for projects, so its easy for parents to sign up to bring things in and shows what others have already signed up for! The new look is very user friendly and easy to navigate. And thank you for always asking for our feedback and suggestions about the site!

I Love Parent Square because I know all of the weekly assignments before hand.
This site allows parents to have a bird’s eye view of their child’s activity in the classroom. It also keeps parents well Informed about future events and and encourages ongoing communication

ParentSquare keeps our families connected to the school through photos, events and information. The translation and texting feature helps us reach our entire school community. We’d be lost without it! Thank you ParentSquare team for all your efforts.
As the school librarian, it is so helpful to have direct communication with families and staff for announcements or news. My favorite feature I just discovered is the messaging, which is helpful in recovering overdue books and collecting fines.

It keeps me informed on how I can make a valuable contribution to my child’s education and give support to the teaching and administrative staff.
I love ParentSquare because it’s user friendly and keeps me informed on school updates, my students progress, current photos just to name a few. One of the best communication technology today!

I use Parents Square weekly to inform my families on upcoming events at school, to post pictures of what we have been doing in the classroom, to ask for donations through sign up sheets, and to post reminders or news. I truly enjoy Parent Square and I have had families saying the same to me, It is an easy and convenient way to stay in touch with all my families and to communicate efficiently! 😃
excellent source of communication and knowing what’s going on at all times, especially for all of us very busy parents!!!

As a busy mom, Parent Square allows me to keep a pulse on the school calendar, receive up-to-date notices from the Principal and provides me with a better understanding of the movement of the school. It allows parents to see pics of field trips and classroom accomplishments. Often times I’m unable to make meetings because of my work schedule, so Psq allows me to stay connected and informed.

About 1 hour ago I posted the needs our Teacher Cadets had for a concession stand they are setting up. Within 1 hour we have volunteers signed up to bring in the supplies requested. This is incredible! We’ve used, email, texting, and Facebook in the past. I’ve never seen this type of quick response. Our parents love Parent Square and being able to interact. Thank you for making this tool available to our school. We are excited to see how we grow this year!

P.S. is a fantastic tool for engaging parents, allowing for comments and interaction, real-time volunteer, conference and meeting sign-ups and providing a sense of community, showcasing a holistic view of the school beyond an individual student
ParentSquare is a tremendous asset to our school. The ease at which we are able to push out information and seek help from our school community is such an asset to me as the principal and our PTSA. Without ParentSquare are ability to include more parents/guardians in our school would be diminished. Parentsquare helps build community and involvement!
ParentSquare has had such a positive effect on the way we communicate and engage with our families. We finally found the tool that could help us better engage our parents. ParentSquare’s conference sign up and wish lists have done just that PLUS MORE! Communicating with parents have never been so easy. I love it, our teachers love it, and most importantly our parents love it!!

One of the most important factors when partnering with school parents is the ability to share information in a timely and efficient way. Parent Square has been instrumental in centralizing news, volunteer and donation requests and classroom information with parents in a fun, engaging way that resonates with today’s families.
I love parent square because it helps the office and families and parents to know what is going on in the classrooms. I will be posting some photos this week with my 3 classes.


Our school community is blessed with many caring and involved parents. Over the years, we have been using various separate systems for school-to-home communications, volunteer sign-ups, file-sharing, and community engagement. Our families wanted a single, easy-to-use, reliable, school-to-home communication tool. ParentSquare has provided this solution for us and parents are thrilled with the new service. Organizing volunteers for Trunk-or-Treat and our annual Carnival has never been easier. We also love the ability to send voice and text alerts when needed. Thank you ParentSquare!
Using Parent Square has made communication with my parents so much easier and parents love it! There have been special circumstances that have allowed us to communication instantly as a community! Thanks! Money well spent!

“ParentSquare has not only opened up two way communication between our school and our families, but it has allowed families to get an inside look of what goes on in our classrooms.”
Me da la oportunidad de saber como estaran serviendo a mis queridos hijos y la tranquilidad de saber que estan en buenas manos!

I love Parent Square because it makes my life–my job(s) so much easier! This is our first year, but it will not be our last. I can definitely see a long-time relationship in our future. There is always so much I want to share with our parents as a whole group, as small groups, and as individuals, and Parent Square allows me to do it all with such ease. Another recent thrill I just discovered was how easy it was to have parents sign up for conferences–simply amazing! I have but one more desire from Parent Square. That desire would be a way for parents to do e-signatures for field trips. I believe they are working on that addition–fantastic! We love you Parent Square!! Keep up the good job!!!
Parent Square offers me the convenience to communicate with staff via e-mail at my convenience, without having to coordinate a phone call with staff.
ParentSquare is an amazing communication platform that is simple and easy to use. It’s literally a one-stop-shop for all school communication. Our school community has fully embraced and supported ParentSquare.
I love parent square because sometimes I forget to clear an absent. So when I get the notifications thru email or text message I respond right away. One less thing I have to worry about. 👍
I love ParentSquare because know the teachers at a school get to post their emails and photos from that school on a link instead of using their own school email.

I love ParentSquare already but mostly at this time of need for our children, families, loved ones, traumatized students, lonely students, etc. They need us the most right now and ParentSquare will provide the communication between families and coworkers on all that is available and just to comfort our students. With that being said I LOVE PARENT SQUARE.

This is our third year with ParentSquare and each year we “love it” even more! Our teachers, administrators, room parents, volunteers, coaches, team parents, and club leaders all utilize ParentSquare. It makes their jobs easier – and – our parents are up-to-date, informed, and able to easily volunteer. Thank you ParentSquare!

I love parent square because you are able to text your teachers.
Because it helps me find my kids homework
It’s easy as 123

We have been using Parent Square for almost four years now. We have a blended family with boys attending four different schools, It is wonderful to stay in the loop of all schools on just one website!
I love Parent Square because it keeps our family informed about everything!

ParentSquare was just launched and we had a situation that required after hours communication with staff and parents. I lamented over the incident, but was over the moon with the ease, intuitiveness, and immediacy of this tool!! So glad to be on board!

“I love Parent Square because I can personally communicate with groups of parents instantly to let them know what is going on, how they can help and what we have to offer. Parents are more informed and engaged as a result. Thank you PS!”
“Great way to stay informed of what is happening in my kids school.”

Excellent tool for Agile communication 😃

I love Parent Square because, it keeps me up-to-date. It reminds me about upcoming events, just in case I forgot to add them to my own calendar. It means less stacks of papers coming home and having to keep track of. It’s easy and extremely convenient for everyone.
I Love ParentSquare because: me mantiene en comunicación con las maestra y la directora de mi hijo, no sólo de canalinoschool sino también con las maestras de mi hijo en Middleschool. Recibo información al instante y me mantiene al día con lo que mis hijos estudiaran cada semana. Este medio es fácil, informativo y lo más importante mantiene seguridad en todo momento. Creo que cada padre debería de usar esta herramienta para así ser de mejor ayuda en los estudios de nuestros hijos. 👌
I love parent square because keeps us all connected as one and it’s so informative makes scheduling easier.

ParentSquare is a wonderful way to communicate with our families about all the activities we are doing in our Fabulous First Grade Class! I even have our students posting to our parents! It is easy to add pictures, translate into Spanish and add sign up sheets. We even have our own class calendar to remind parents of what is coming up. I love using ParentSquare and so do parents!

I love this idea because it is a great way to be involved and informed about our kids school even if we are working.

I enjoy getting reminders and updates from my kids school and class. It has made it so much easier for us to directly message kids teachers and getting fast responses. Love Parent Square.

I Love Parent Square, because “it is a great opportunity for Students as well as Parents to learn how to navigate the virtual world of Education “. I obtained My MBA & MHA by online learning & now my child has also have the opportunity to learn about online learning portals. My child can communicate with the Teachers , while staying Informed of Changes in our world at the convenience of being safe at home. I never miss a beat with Parent Square an awesome software to use.

I’m getting rave feedback about how ParentSquare is making our home-school connection a breeze while schools are closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It’s become a linchpin in helping us to be successful with this.

I love parent square because it helped me and my school to accomplish my senior year on this terrible season (COVID-19 lockdown)
It is easier to reach anyone in your school and safer to communicate (you don’t need to worry about having the wrong email address or reaching the wrong person.)
whoever created this software, Good Job!
I love ParentSquare because.. I am able to have access to 2 different high schools at the same time and see what’s is going with my daughter in school. <3

I Love it!

I love ParentSquare because.. I am able to have access to 2 different high schools at the same time and see what’s is going with my daughter in school. <3
This is a useful tool to communicate with Veronika’s teacher. I can get any information I need it in an easy way. It amazing method to access to what’s going on with my daughter in her school. This is great, thank you Parent Square.

It is very easy and if I don’t get in the link my dad’s phone will get a notification so I don’t have to worry about it . Also my mom checks on my dad’s phone if anybody sent something

I love parent square as a child its hard to access all of my websites but on p.s I can access all of them in one place!
I love ParentSquare,it’s easy way to communicate with all of my Grandson’s Teacher’s,especially now everyone has to talk solely on technology.Great!
Parent Square has taken our communication to another level. Our School had to convert to remote learning and it was quite an adjustment during this pandemic. Now Parents, Teachers, and administrative staff are equipped with the resources to keep us informed. It’s easy to navigate and we have built stronger relationships through this platform.
Thank you so much!!

Parent Square has taken our communication to another level. Our School had to convert to remote learning and it was quite an adjustment during this pandemic. Now Parents, Teachers, and administrative staff are equipped with the resources to keep us informed. It’s easy to navigate and we have built stronger relationships through this platform.
Thank you so much!!
Parent Square helps me keep track of my schoolwork so I don’t miss an assignment.

I love parent square because it helped me and my school to accomplish my senior year on this terrible season(COVID-19 lockdown)
It is easier to reach anyone in your school and safer to communicate(you don’t need to worry about having the wrong email address or reaching the wrong person.) whoever created this software, Good Job!
Parent Square is an amazing communication tool! It allows us to communicate district wide, school wide, by grade level, in small groups and individually with families by email, text and phone call.

I enjoy getting reminders and updates from my kids school and class. It has made it so much easier for us to directly message kids teachers and getting fast responses. Love Parent Square.
Parent square is very user friendly platform!!!!! Having two school age children and working from home myself, it has definitely made remote learning easier.
Great Choice FOCH
Parent square is very user friendly platform!!!!! Having two school age children and working from home myself, it has definitely made remote learning easier. Great Choice FOCH
I Love Parent Square always keeping us informed and the ability to quickly leave a message and the fast response back from teachers and staff!! Makes things a little easier and simple!!!

ParentSquare is the best and it is so helpful, I truly love this it also keeps us parents updated on school work and all other info that we need to know, the communication is awesome!! Our teachers are thee BEST
Once again THANK YOU =)

I love Parent Square because it is a simple way to be connect with our school an our children’s teacher or teachers! Especially in this time with school closures it has made it less stressful for us
You can keep in touch with your son or daughter’s teacher and talk with them.

its a perfect way to stay in contact with teacher
You’re helping all the kids in the school district and we all appreciate it so much. You are putting a lot of love and hard work into this! Thank you so, so much!!!
Now more than ever I really appreciate this great tool.
I’m not a geek on this apps things, but give all the updates necessary to help my son. Thanks a million!

I have been very impressed with the transition process, working with ParentSquare. The interface is very easy to use, even for those individuals who would call themselves beginners in using technology. The ability to communicate with parents, students, and guardians in other languages have drawn positive reviews in the quality of real-time communication and translation of our messaging. ParentSquare did a great job in providing needed resources to launch the new platform, as well as providing an extensive help library for all of our users.
I appreciate Parent Square because it has been very helpful as we go through this situation. Our kids are still able to learn as we parents are updated on how things are coming along locally. I’m sure that we are all looking forward to a time when the kids can be together again, Gio misses his buds! Until then, thanks for doing what you can do academically and socially for just a bit of normalcy.
You have been a great help during this time. I hope that you know that your hard work is really helping so many teachers, schools, and families. Thank you again for all that you are doing. And please let your team of people know that as well. It’s wonderful to have services like what ParentSquare is providing, especially in a time like today and I am sure all of you don’t get to hear words of appreciation enough as you work behind the scenes. Know that your work is highly appreciated.
Great idea on going with this app. It’s user friendly and great way to stay informed on my kids work. One less thing to worry about.
Because they have everything that I need to know regarding my child.
Estoy muy agradesida. Que esten dando le clases a mis hijos. Apesar de la distancia social este no fue inpedimento que mis hijos sigan aprendiendo. Mil gracias atodos .el equipo de educacion.
This app is great. It’s very useful. The features it has is informative and easy to use. I know what my child has going on at school and I never miss a thing.

I love how connected I feel to my students’ parents. They can see my announcements or personal messages immediately, and they are more responsive than if I sent them an email. The app makes it so easy.

The intersection between schools and parents is ParentSquare. The perfect way to allow families to control just how much information they want to receive and how involved they want to be in their child’s education.

ParentSquare has doubled, if not tripled, our community engagement. This user-friendly communication platform provides a one-stop shop for our parents, staff and students to easily receive information and communicate with one another.

Parent Square allows for one centralized communication tool for both teachers and administrators. Parents love the ability to quickly communicate with the school, find forms, and fill out documents.
Its the bridge between Parents and Teachers as well as a window to all the events happening at school. It’s the best way to be informed and to communicate.
Parentsquare is the ability to connect with parents without the need of a common language. The teachers love that we can share messages that are translated for parents to understand.
I would describe Parent Square as the perfect match when it comes to reaching our students and the need of our school!

ParentSquare is hands-down the best way for our teachers, administration, and school groups to communicate with parents and the community. This is our first year using the product and all parties involved are amazed at how simple and powerful it is. ParentSquare is also completely reliable (something that we cannot say about the systems which it has replaced).

Parent Square untangles the spaghetti-involved mess that comes with communicating with students, teachers, parents, and staff.
I can send alerts and notifications to parents anywhere at any time! It’s pretty cool
ParentSquare is a very user friendly communication platform. My building uses it as our main source of regular communication. It allows for cross posting: you can create a ParentSquare post, and send the same post out to social media outlets simultaneously. I especially like how we are able to see the percentage of our school community that our communication is actually reaching.

It’s a great tool to use, it’s pretty user friendly and makes notifying parents a whole lot easier. ParentSquare also helps us cut down on sending so much paper home! If we can post it and not send home a paper flyer, it makes it very easy!

Parent square is like a facebook for our school. It lets us instantly connect with our families and vice versa. Its a perfect way for us to let them know about upcoming events and lets teachers communicate with the parents about grades, behavior, needed materials for classroom. It has allowed for us to better communicate with parents. Parents really appreciate the app and the easiness of using the app!
Our parents LOVE ParentSquare. We just started using it and have found it a very effective way to communicate with our families and get them engaged. Super easy to use for both parents and staff.
ParentSquare puts it all together. It works because it has solutions to communication issues on both the school and the parent side. It has significantly also cut back on the amount of paperwork we send home. As the school secretary, ParentSquare has changed the way I work on a daily basis.
I think that ParentSquare is amazing as a great way to communicate to parents and staff. It is an easy to use, inclusive and positive means to make connections with all stakeholders for our students.
Parent Square is very intuitive and easy to operate. I feel like the features are very useful in the school setting. The options to reach specific families or groups are helpful.
ParentSquare helps me develop deeper connections with my parents who aren’t always available to participate on site in person!

ParentSquare has been one of the best changes we’ve ever implemented at our school. Staff and parents agree: we all love ParentSquare.
Easy to navigate and informative! Love all the features and info you can share with others. Makes my job easier and time effective.
Thank you for this great tool. I set up a Box filing system five years or so ago for our school then and we were just wishing we had something like this then. Here at the high school, it’s essential!
ParentSquare is a great communication tool for our schools, loved by parents and teachers! ParentSquare is easy to use and effectively accomplishes our communication goals.
ParentSquare is a one-stop shop for school communications. It is comprehensive and just keeps getting better.

Parent Square allows teachers, administrators and parent-ran organizations (PTA, PTO, etc.) to easily and effectively communicate with the parents of students. Parent Square eliminates the slips of paper that are inevitably shoved in a backpack and never make it to the parent’s hands. The use of Parent Square allows us to monitor and ensure that the parents are receiving timely and important messages. Our biggest goal this year was to increase communication between the school and parents and Parent Square has allowed us to do that with a safe, user-friendly and effective platform.

Irreplaceable! ParentSquare has helped us reach those volunteers that possibly may never have volunteered.

Great way to build a partnership between home and school!
Just made a post on ParentSquare for parents to sign up for their fall conferences. This is crazy… It has all changed so much so fast. But, I like it!
Keeps up to date with everything!!! Its been only a week but LOVE this site and the app! 😃
ParentSquare is the best and it is so helpful, I truly love this it also keeps us parents updated on school work and all other info that we need to know, the communication is awesome!! Our teachers are thee BEST
Once again THANK YOU =)
I love having an archive of all the messages sent for the year in one place. I also love that I can go back and edit a post. Having parents sign up to bring supply’s and volunteer for activities is priceless!
i love it i get to talk to my childs teacher
Thank you for giving our PTA a tremendous value in Parent Square. We can do so much for our kids without breaking our budget!

ParentSquare is the best tool we’ve invested in all year. It’s raised the quality of our communication with our families and best of all, our parents, teachers, and staff all love it! The user experience is well thought out and the product speaks for itself.
I love ParentSquare it’s so convenient to use!

Parent square was very helpful as it gave announcements right away and I could see exactly what was going on in the school!
I love this, it is so informative and the best thing is that it is easy to use!
I love Parent Square because it keeps me in touch with both students and parents.
Parent Square has absolutely changed the way we communicate with our parents and teachers. It’s incredible in the fact that it is so convenient, easy to use and most importantly, the amount of time we save by utilizing Parent Square is the best perk yet 😃.
Sending alerts, texting parents and teachers in a private/group setting, adding fun photos, uploading PDF forms, posting sign-ups, etc are just some of the reasons why Parent Square is such a huge hit. It is a total “game changer.“
I highly recommend Parent Square to any school who wants to improve/enhance the “parent to school connection.
I love Parent Square because…it gives you information of school events, teachers comments and what is expected of your student. You should see my child’s face when I ask: ” Did you get your homework assignment paperwork? “Parent Square is helpful. Thanks a bunch!
Muy buena manera de tener comunicación con las maestras de nuestros hijos
Its way easy! We love it! Keeps us updated on everything!!!
I love parent square because I can keep in touch with you.
Love it.
Great information from here about the school very important to us as parent
So helpful when there are different events and things to know what’s going on with our scholars in school. Best thing ever that’s been created for our use.
It looks Awesome !! with fully incorporated info and communication channels, and in impression that this app will sure assist in a great coordination from parents to teachers and vice versa. Thank you so much.

I love parent square because I can find updates about school, class & events.
Thank you Basis Scottsdale staff.
😁Excellent source of communication and knowing what’s going on , especially for all of us very busy parents💻📱

This is the best thing ever! It is so easy to keep up with the latest and I don’t have to worry about my child making it home with important paperwork! Absolutely LOVE IT!
I love parent square because it is fast and efficient communication

I like the messaging app, it is very much needed… thank you so much

Because my son teachers makes me aware of each homework assignments
To keep track of my teenages progress and get her set for success in her future…
It keeps us informed ☺
This is our second year using Parent Square at Hope School. The Hope School community has always felt like one big family and Parent Square has greatly enhanced our ability to communicate to all of our family members. Thank you Parent Square!

It’s really fun when one of my children goes on field trip, I get to see everything that happened by looking at the photos.

Because it helps me find my kids homework

We used ParentSquare extensively during the Napa fires because MIT Academy (in Vallejo, just a few miles from the fires) was enveloped in a thick blanket of hazardous smoke and we had to first go into a shelter-in-place, and then subsequently cancel school for two days. During all this time my primary communication device with parents was ParentSquare, supplemented by social media and local media. But the latter two were hardly necessary as ParentSquare did all the heavy lifting and we were able to communicate with parents and students quickly and efficiently. In fact, we were praised for our good communication, so ParentSquare not only did a terrific job, it made me look good, which is no easy task! We are very glad we brought ParentSquare on board, it’s been an amazing technology for everyone – our administrators, staff, teachers and most importantly, our parents!
Parent Square was very informative, unlike anything I’ve experienced thus far in the Baltimore City Public school system.

Parent Square has been such an enormous help to our school! At any time you can post a question or an event reminder or request volunteers for an event or send a note to the staff to say Happy Teacher Appreciation Week or have a great spring break. As a member of the PTO and the SFC, I find it an invaluable tool of communication. We have monthly meetings and parents are able to see that this month we may be having a fun activity planned or a reminder of what the topic will be this month. I can send notes to my daughter’s teachers about an upcoming parent-teacher conference. Or they can send me one. If we have a big event happening and need donations or volunteers, Parent Square is the way to go. I love that alerts can be sent to your phone because sometimes I just don’t have time to get on my computer. I think it’s a great tool that all schools should take advantage of.
I LOVE Parent Square because I was able to find a post from 3 months ago, using the search function! You all have thought of everything! 😃

As a parent of an 8-year-old boy, trying to find out how your kids day went is no easy task! But since Blackstone Valley Prep started using ParentSquare, I finally have a good feel of whats going on in his life, from the things he’s accomplished to his upcoming school events & meetings…I always know whats going on now & when it’s going down, Thanks, ParentSquare, your a lifesaver

I love ParentSquare because it keeps me in touch with my school wherever I go! It also helps me get my homework when I’m traveling!


Parent Square makes it so incredibly simple and easy to send information, share photos, distribute fliers, and reach the entire district with just a few clicks. Anytime I have a question or don’t know how to do something, I get an impressively quick response with the help I need. Who doesn’t love that?!?

ParentSquare has absolutely changed the way we communicate with our parents. It’s incredible in the fact that it is so user-friendly our staff and parents can easily use it to communicate whether they are at the computer or on their mobile devices. ParentSquare also makes it convenient to push out important information to our parents to get immediate feedback. One of the best features is that parents can decide how often to be communicated with by using the “digest” setting where they get all emails sent throughout the day in one email in the evening. I rarely hear, “I’m getting too many emails!” I highly recommend ParentSquare to any school who wants to improve their parent to school connection.
Being able to easily access prepared Parent Square messages through the Message Library is such a gift. Knowing that messages are prepared takes that worry off my list in the event of an emergency or last minute schedule change.
The automated call makes it nice letting parents know that their student is absent but what makes it really great is the convenience it allows to let parents write back instantly to excuse their child and has significantly reduced unexcused absences.
This is the best thing going for the School, Parent and Teachers. I hope we are able to keep up with the grades, progress reports and report cards as well on here, This is AWESOME Kudor to O4W Kindezi!
I Love ParentSquare because it keeps me up to date on all important info. and its easy access to clear absenses.
How do I love thee, ParentSquare . . . let me count the ways!
Excellent communication services
User friendly, with clean design
Phenomenal customer service
Incredible training tools
Beautifully functional app
. . . I could go on, but my post would not fit on your “wall of love”. THANK YOU ParentSquare!

Parent Square is AMAZING!! Thanks for running such a well designed program and being so attentive to the little details!! You guys are always quick to listen to any ideas we have, and have even implemented a few of those ideas to make our school run more smoothly. Thanks for being so great!

This is a great tool especially when you forget to send your child to school without an excuse for being absent…

I love ParentSquare because it keeps me updated with school related events.
I enjoy getting reminders and updates from my kids school and class. It has made it so much easier for me to track what is happening at school.
I love parent square because … I am able to have access to what’s going on with my Daughter in school and what’s going on with the faculty as well . Keep me posted on any event happening . 😀👨👩👧👦
ParentSquare is working out very well for our school. 99.3% communication is the best ever had here at Davidson Elementary.

I can get information at my fingertips and while on the go. No more missed announcements lost in inbox clutter. This is great!

I love parent square because it is an easy way to keep all of my kids classes and schedules organized. Thank you parentsquare!!!

I love ParentSquare because it allows me to be able to keep up with school events. It is also a easy way to send messages to your child’s school. Thank you.
I love Parent Square because I receive important information from my child’s teacher, and it’s an easy-to-use, communication portal.
With a busy life, multiple obligations, and 3 small children to manage, ParentSquare has been a life savor. I appreciate the real time updates, and the ability to manage expectations both professionally/personally. Great job ICS, as usual!!!
Washington Elementarty School loves Parentsquare. It is a quick and easy way to send important information to our parents!
Parent square is awesome! It is very to easy to maneuver and provides information that I need when the kids “forget” to tell you!
Me gusta esta página porque así puedo ayudar más a mi hijo comunicándome con sus maestros
We’re loving ParentSquare so far. In just our second week of school, we’re receiving feedback from families who are so grateful to have a streamlined platform for all school communications. It’s so nice to know that we made the right choice after all of the various companies/platforms we assessed.
I love ParentSquare because I can stay in touch with parents, share class pics, send group or private messages. And new tools are being added constantly: today I discovered colored fonts!

I love ParentSquare because it keeps me updated of all important dates and all classroom assignments that are due
I Love Parent Square because it Supports the KIPP Preparatory and Parent Partnership. Thanks !
It tells us more about the school
I love parentsquart because it helps me to know what my child is learning!
I am excited to use Parents Square to keep up with the activity and stay in the loop… Thank you

I love parents square because keeps me updated and reminds me of things to do,I’m very happy no more paper’s thank you !!
ParentSquare is an integral part of my classroom communication because it helps bridge the gap between busy families, and busy teachers! I use it weekly for my Friday Newsletters (which bring families up-to-date on what’s happening in their child’s classroom), event reminders, as well as to request volunteers and materials. This is my favorite feature – now I don’t have to try and follow an e-mail thread to see which parents signed up for what, it’s all right there!

Gracias. Por tener. Comunicación con nososotros los padres así podremos saver que es lo mejor para mi hija muchas gracias por su comucicacion😀👏

ParentSquare allows me to have instant two-way communication with the entire school. ParentSquare allows my teachers to create a classroom community that fosters parent involvement. I have noticed a dramatic increase in parent participation since we starting using ParentSquare two years ago. We love ParentSquare!

Tremendously successful! …really helped us increase participation of the community in giving and the amount that was given.

ParentSquare has helped bring our classroom and school-level communication in to the 21st century. Our whole school community – staff and parents – use it daily to share important information on a powerful, but manageable level. I highly recommend it to any school looking to strengthen communication.

I love parent square. It helps both parents be involved in their children’s live when they live separately. It’s a huge help.

Love love parent square, how easy and accessible teachers are makes it easy to be up to date with events issues meetings etc.
I love ParentSquare becuase it has helped increase our parent responses and input in our school vision.
It’s great to have parentsquare because I know what events are caming up all the year.

ParentSquare is helping Sierra Sands revolutionize our school-to-home communications.
Through text, email, and push notifications, we are able to reach out to our parents and community in ways that we were never able to before. Through general notifications, alert messages, absence reporting, lunch account balances, calendar’s and more, we are finally reaching parents where they are. They can receive these messages in the manner that makes the most sense for them. We are very excited about this improved school-to-home communication tool!
Parent Square has been an excellent additional form of communication between our teachers, parents and school. It is user friendly and has a variety of aspects from absence reporting to conference scheduling to parent/teacher interaction, that we find to be very positive when communicating with our parents. We are excited about using it at our school.

Parent Square is by far a more comprehensive program than our old ‘auto-dialer’. In fact, phone calls home are only a small part of the program. The ability to send emails, text messages and have parent respond allows us to really maximize our communication with parents. Additionally, as teachers are coming on board, they are really appreciating having the ability to use this program at the classroom level

Parent Square has allowed our school to communicate so much more efficiently. We can ask for volunteers, create groups for different committees within the school, and organize our alumni easily. I also use it at my older child’s school, so I can’t think of a better way to get information out this quickly to so many people!

ParentSquare’s robust and secure communication platform is backed by an amazing team that provides top notch support and service. Districts face many challenges when rolling out new technology including funding and end-user adoption, therefore strong vendor relationships play a key role in our success criteria. The ParentSquare team acts as a partner to Santa Barbara Unified District, offering excellence in service and support.

It’s my first day using it and I am immediately informed about upcoming events and are able to schedule for our Parent Conferences. Me Encanta!
It keeps you in the loop of what is going on at the school. Great formatting as well.

It keeps you in the loop of what is going on at the school. Great formatting as well.
The instant translation saves me a ton of time.
It keeps me informed… thank u.
ParentsSquare give me the tools about information in the differents activities in the school and is great. I feel really happy with your support. BVP schools are the best. 😊
it’s very informative and keeps me up on what’s going on at union mine.
We love ParentSquare, it keeps us and everyone informed. The set reminders I get from the teachers for things we volunteer and sign up for makes for a much easier life! Awesome way to communicate. Thanks!!

Parent Square is the best investment we have made all year! Our parents and staff absolutely love it. The user experience is well thought out and the product speaks for itself. Thank you Parent Square for making our school communication such a breeze!
We are very pleased with the efficiency of the program and the time-saving aspect. We feel ParentSquare has raised the quality of our communication with our families and allowed our teachers to build stronger relationship with parents.
Thank you so much for your support and an outstanding product!
We are very pleased with the efficiency of the program and the time-saving aspect. We feel ParentSquare has raised the quality of our communication with our families and allowed our teachers to build stronger relationship with parents. Thank you so much for your support and an outstanding product!

As a preschool communications director it is imperative that I reach my families with ease. Parent Sqaure makes eblasts, newsletter distribution and photo sharing so easy, even for our most tech averse community members. Thank you for connecting us through Parent Square!
because I get to see pictures of her active at school with her friends and teachers!

I’ve used ParentSquare at two different schools. Whether it is as a parent receiving valuable information from teachers, organizing volunteers for fundraising events, or as sports team parent, this tool is invaluable. The ever-improving functionality makes PS a leader in school-parent communications.
The best part of PS is that it’s easy. I love the Spanish translation tool. It is a great communication tool and I can easily request volunteers and donations. It’s so easy for the parents to sign up, and the cool thing about this is if no one has signed up, PS sends out another reminder to parents, such as “Mrs. Quintero still needs two volunteers to the pumpkin patch ” or ” Mrs. Quintero still needs two bag of apples donated.” You can also post pictures and you don’t have to pay for photo processing! The parents love seeing pictures of their children. It’s a great way to keep them involved. The parents can download pictures and the parents can print up if they really like them.

It is very user friendly. The creator of Parent Square is simply awesome. She always responds to my questions immediately and really values the input of teachers and parents. I love how I can ask for volunteers, supplies, and conference sign ups so simply. Thank you so much for PS!
I love Parent square because it provides me with daily information and access to my child homework learning and teacher contact.
I love Parent Square because it keeps our community connected and helps reduce the paper waste this leaves a positive impact on the environment. Our school is more united and well informed because of Parent Square.

Your tips are wonderful and appreciated. Thanks also to PS for hearing our requests for scheduling teacher conferences! Our teacher and parent response has been wonderful.