Dear ParentSquare,
Here's why students love ParentSquare!
These “words of love” come from happy ParentSquare users. To tell us why you love ParentSquare and be featured here,
log in to your ParentSquare account and click on the heart at the top of the page.
i like it because it lets me know all the stuff i need to know
i love parentsquare because it is a easyer way to contact your teacher
Parent square is amazing for those kids whos parents can afford giving them a phone it makes it so much easier then going through all the hustle of making a e-mail
This site gives you all the information you need about your school
Anonymous Student, Perry Township Schools
i love student, parent square because i think it is a great way for students and teacher and parents to communicate with each other and see what is going on in the school when the student is at school or home for covid reasons .
Parent Square helped me see all my assignments! I even achieved honor roll by keeping up with my classes on parents square!
I am new to Parent Square but so far, so good.
It seems to be fairly easy to use & I’m able to find important info that I need.
I Believe this was a much Needed App.
I love parent square as
I love parent square as a child its hard to access all of my websites but on p.s I can access all of them in one place!
I love parent square because it helps keep me more organized, and I can access everything easily.
I love parentsquare because I
I love parentsquare because I can have all the Information I need with one little click.
I love student square because i can see the messages from
my teacher so i can do my homework
I am able to appreciate all the events my school has to offer
I don’t know if my work Is Done. Then I use parentsquare
I love parent square because I can email my teachers and see what the upcoming events are
It keeps my messages organized and keeps me informed on anything that is happening at school.
I love parent square because it is easier access for me to get to teachers and email them about work.!
I love Student square because I can know what is going on.
Parent square/student square is a
Parent square/student square is a positve and great way to connect with people and keep up-to-date ith all of the news.
Parent Square helps me keep track of my schoolwork so I don’t miss an assignment.
I love parentsquare because it is just the amazing website that gives you anything and everything you need for school 🙂
I love Parent and student
I love Parent and student square because it keeps you so prepared so you don’t miss a thing
i love parent square because it is easier to message my teachers
I love wilson elementary school because i love long the teacher and my friend too DolpHins
I love student square because i get reports and events that remind me! Thank you PTA
Great way to communicate urgent and vital information between teachers, parents, and students.
I love parentsqaure because then my mom will know everything that is going on
I love parent square because it helps you communicate with your teachers and its the easiest app to use and i can ask the teachers the any concern i have
5 stars!!!!!!!🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟!!!!!!!
I love how fast I can get my emails answered
I love parentsquare because I can email my teachers and see what my school is doing
It’s easy to use and it keeps me well informed!, thank you.
I love this because it tells us everything we need to now.
by far the coolest and easiest app to communicate with my teachers and check my grades . I LOVE parentsquare
I Love Parent Square because it helps me get my work turned in on time!
I love this because I can stay informed on whats happening with my education and see if I have to ask any questions on what my school is doing to make school year 2020-2021 convenient for us all.
ParentSquare/Student is such an efficient way for me and my parents to find out what’s going on!
It is very helpful, I can talk to my teacher in an easier way.
I love ParentSquare because it’s a way to be connected through hard times, and it keeps everyone posted on the latest things.
I love studentsquare because it helps me to know what i am missing and what i need to do, and it also let me contact my teachers of i need help with something or if i need to make sure i have something done you can even text your friends!!!
That it why i love studentsquare
Student Square is the absulote best! I can contact all my teachers without a problem and I can see all the notifications in an e- mail or in the app no problemo
7th Grade Student
I love Parent Square because if I miss an e-mail, my mom gets the same e-mail so that I don’t miss anything. I also love Parent Square because I love to be on top of things, and I hate not knowing what is going on. Parent Square is easy to access when I need my teachers help, and one thing that I think is so cool, is that I can also contact my parents. (for me, Parent Square is Student Square)
Thank you so much,
I love parent square and student square because it give you information that you need to know! Also you stay updated all the time. ❤️
I love the square cause it helps me learn
It helps me keep track of whats going on in school and with what has to be done
I can directly talk to my teachers now!
I love parent square because I can chat with [my teacher] everytime i want
Anonymous Student
I love Parent and StudentSquare because it makes it much easier to view my schoolś weekly newsletters and see my club information. Thank you to the provider of this incredible site!!!!! It is such a big help.
ParentSquare/StudentSquare is by far the best way to communicate with teachers! It’s very easy to use and this is especially good for parents who don’t use technology so often.
I like parent square because it shows your grades
I love Parent Square because
I love Parent Square because it lets me catch up on what’s going on that week or coming up that week. I love staying caught up, so ParentSquare helps me as a student so that I can be let know what’s going on. Also, this helps me because I can email my teachers with ease and don’t have to go searching for their email. This makes it very easy. ParentSquare for the win.
I love Parent Square because you can easily get in contact with teachers and you can stay up-to-date with all of the opportunities this school has!
I love Student Square
I love Student Square because it lets me know what’s going on at my school. It makes it easy for me not to miss any events!
I love parent square because
I love parent square because it updates me on whats going on in my school
Super organized and easy to navigate!
I love parent square because you are able to text your teachers.
I love parentsquare becuse it helps me know what to put on my calendar and it tells me major events going on!
ParentSquare is just fantastic. It’s easy to navigate and their simple design is perfect on the eyes. Whenever I need to check any news for my school, I just hop on over to P.S. and check through my feed. In addition, their “appreciation” button is also great because now I can show that I’m thankful for a certain post. Thanks, ParentSquare!
I love mystudent square because it is amazing i know what is going on in the school and even get to chat with teachers and they can chat with me
StudentSquare keeps me up to date with the school by emailing me any posts on there!!!
i love parentsquare bc its easy to use and it helps contact teachers
It keeps me updated in my daily school announcements, so I don’t miss a beat.
I love parent square because it lets my parents know things faster and now there is a student square.
I love parentsquare because you can communicate with your teacher
I truly LOOOVVVVVEE ParentSquare because you easily receive messages or view posts to stay informed during this hard time and it has helpful suggestions like daily recordings to help you get through your mornings!
ParentSquare makes things much easier, especially during COVID-19. I can find all my homework, and schoolwork there, and so I don’t have to worry my teachers with an email, I can just look at ParentSquare. Whoever created ParentSquare has made my life much easier.
I love ParentSquare because it keeps me in touch with my school wherever I go! It also helps me get my homework when I’m traveling!
I love you parent square!!!
I love parent square because it always lets me know if I have any missing assignments. It makes me a better student and I get more education.
I love Parent Square because it always informs me about the thing that are important that are going on in my school.
I love parent square because it helped me and my school to accomplish my senior year on this terrible season (COVID-19 lockdown) It is easier to reach anyone in your school and safer to communicate (you don’t need to worry about having the wrong email address or reaching the wrong person.) whoever created this software, Good Job!
i love ps because it allows me to interact with my teachers especially when i am home doing work online
i can see whats going on by looking at the messages
I love Parent Square because if I need help I can use this to ask my teacher for help quicker. I think that is so cool and useful me and ever one else.
I love ParentSquare cause it gives me events and emails me and I can see what my teacher or principal says at ParentSquare!
I love parent square because it helps me get ahead of my studies by reminding me what i really need to focus on and how to execute that by adding tips and tricks and information for any upcoming events, allowing myself to prepare!
I love Parent Square because my teachers can Reach out to me quicker.
great way to communicate with
great way to communicate with your teachers 😀
I like student square because
I like student square because it helps me contact my teacher for help anytime I want.
I love ParentSquare because it keeps us update things about school/ fun activites
Rock Springs Junior High
I love Parent and Student square because it keeps all the parents and students connected and we waste much less paper. This website is our life saver.
This platform is a good way for me to easily get in touch with my teachers, and see all the information I need for my upcoming classes!
Parent Square is a safe place to talk to your teachers and look back on assignments when needed, I have very thankful for student square because it provides a way to message teachers when needed from anywhere and look back on recent posts.
I love ParentSquare because it’s easy to navigate and it’s very informative.
I love ParentSquare because of the fact that we don’t miss a beat! My mom knows about different events, plus, we are more informed. It’s another way to communicate with other teachers and it’s more faster. My mother gets weekly reports so me and her get to review what we need to work on. Thank you ParentSquare (For me it’s StudentSquare but overall it’s awesome.)
I love parent square because it helped me and my school to accomplish my senior year on this terrible season (COVID-19 lockdown) It is easier to reach anyone in your school and safer to communicate (you don’t need to worry about having the wrong email address or reaching the wrong person.) whoever created this software, Good Job!
i love parent square/student square i get to text my teachers if i need help on something and the parentsquare/student square sends notification when they responded its a really good app I LOVE THIS APP! 🙂
I love ParentSquare because it helps me to see all of the information my teachers send out and all of the up-coming events.
It allows me to talk to my teachers easier and not have to wait 3 hours for a reponse.
I Love ParentSpuare because my mom will get emails instead of me having to remember and telling her everything ! So she already know everything about whats going on in school .
I love parent square because you can learn more things and share more things
I love parent square because it lets me know things are faster and now there is a student square.
I love Studentsquare because I can contact my teacher when I am not with her.
I love ParentSquare and StudentSquare because it is super easy to stay updated on school announcements. It is also super nice because of the fact that they send out instant email notifications, so that I can know about the post that a teacher or my principal made immediately. 👌
It lets me know what is going on in the school.
i love student Square because it helps me keep up with events that are happening at my school and helps me ask my teacher’s questions.
Everything is super easy to get to and i can contact my teachers whenever i want to!