Charity Roberts
Parent of 11th Grader, Cyber Academy of South Carolina
Parent of 11th Grader, Cyber Academy of South Carolina
Parent, KIPP Comienza Community Prep - US
Parent of a 3rd Grade Scholar, Blackstone Valley Prep - Elementary School 1
With two in high school, one in junior high and one in elementary this is a HUGE help in keeping up to date, no more 2 -3 copies of the…
Me encanta este medio de cumunicacion…me entero un poco de todo…de mija…hijo de KG de ASPIRE…y de Collins y de ustedes todo en uno solo…gracias.
ParentSquare has been my “go-to” site whenever I need to know any updates about my daughter, the school, schedules, activities, events, etc. almost everything. It is an informative site that…
I love this idea because it is a great way to be involved and informed about our kids school even if we are working.
Muy buena manera de tener comunicación!!
I can keep up with my child’s school activities and be aware of important opportunities that may come along for my child.