Matt Smith – Director, Mare Island Technology Academy
We used ParentSquare extensively during the Napa fires because MIT Academy (in Vallejo, just a few miles from the fires) was enveloped in a thick blanket of hazardous smoke and…
We used ParentSquare extensively during the Napa fires because MIT Academy (in Vallejo, just a few miles from the fires) was enveloped in a thick blanket of hazardous smoke and…
Parent Square makes it so incredibly simple and easy to send information, share photos, distribute fliers, and reach the entire district with just a few clicks. Anytime I have a…
ParentSquare is working out very well for our school. 99.3% communication is the best ever had here at Davidson Elementary.
Tremendously successful! …really helped us increase participation of the community in giving and the amount that was given.
Director of Technology, Sierra Sands Unified School District