It keeps me updated in my daily school announcements, so I don't miss a beat.
It keeps my messages organized and keeps me informed on anything that is happening at school.
I love parent square and student square because it give you information that you need to know! Also you stay updated all the time. ❤️
I love Parent Square because it always informs me about the thing that are important that are going on in my school.
I love parent square because it helps you communicate with your teachers and its the easiest app to use and i can ask the teachers the any concern i have
I truly LOOOVVVVVEE ParentSquare because you easily receive messages or view posts to stay informed during this hard time and it has helpful suggestions like daily recordings to help you…
I love ParentSquare because it's a way to be connected through hard times, and it keeps everyone posted on the latest things.
I love ParentSquare because it keeps us update things about school/ fun activites